

oliver was born with dark blue eyes.
he still has them so far.
[my little brother's changed from blue to hazel, so who knows?]

a week or two after he was born, he got this awful acne rash,
which THANKFULLY is going away.
he must have inherited his mama's skin.

he is thisclose to holding his head up on his own.
he loves stretching.
when he sleeps, he'll shoot one of his arms straight out, and it just hangs there.

when he was born, he had a little white bubble on his gums.
the nurse said this could either dissolve, or reveal a tooth.
it's still there, but no tooth either.

he started smiling and laughing on his own lately,
mostly at funny noises, and when staring at our bookshelf.
i have yet to capture it on film, always on a delay,
but it cracks me up and chokes me up every time.

for now, a few recent photos:

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